Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Poems (K.RFS.3b, K.RFS.3c, K.RL.5)

Reading: Foundational Skills 3 b c
Each week my students get a new poem to add to their poetry notebook.  We sing the poem/song throughout the week as they are transitioning to the carpet.  We circle all the sight words in the poem and highlight any chunks or vowel patterns that we find.  They each have a folder with prongs in the middle, I put 5 page protector sleeves in each folder at the beginning of the year.  Every Friday the kids insert their poem into their sheet protector and it is stored in their book box.  They love reading/singing old poems during partner reading and even during read to self time.  After the kids get ten poems in their folder I have them take them out and I make them into a book by stapling them inside a large piece of construction paper folded in half.  Then they have some poems they can take home and continue to practice reading and some at school to enjoy.  Here is an example of one of our poems.  I try to pick songs or poems that go with topics/things we are celebrating in class or songs they sing in Music class.


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