Sunday, October 21, 2012

My kindergarteners are all reading independently!

CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.4 Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding

I am so happy to say that it is only October and all of my kids are reading independently.  I have a wide range of kids in my classroom and some didn't even know any letters or sounds just two months ago when school started.  In my district we use the Fountas and Pinnell book leveling system.  I currently have five kids reading on a level A, nine kids reading on a level B, and six kids transitioning to a level C. We have been building up our stamina and practice buddy reading for 15-20 minutes each day and read to self for 10 minutes a day.  I have posters displayed in the classroom of the reading strategies we have learned so far.

I try to always add motions, songs, or chants to concepts to make it easier for my students to remember.  Every day I have my class do a reading chant before kids go off to read their books.
 A Good Reader  (beat: Going on a Bear Hunt.) 
We slap our legs to the beat, they repeat the words: "If you're a good reader" (kids pretend to read a book.)  Then go through each strategy, having your students repeat after you. 
"you point to each word" (kids move their pointer finger in the air)
"you look at the picture" (kids make binoculars over their eyes)
"you get your mouth ready" (kids point to their mouth)
Refrain: We slap our legs to the beat,
they repeat the words: "If you're a good reader" (kids pretend to read a book) 
"you look for chunks" (kids pretend to take an imaginary piece of pie out of their hand)
"you reread the sentence" (kids point backwards)
"you flip the vowel" (kids move both pointer fingers in a flipping motion)
Then they repeat, "you have to ask yourself" (kids put hands out to their sides)
Does it sound right? (kids cup hand over their ear)
Does it look right? (kids point to their eyes)
Does it make sense? (kids point to their brain)
Happy Reading!

I recently created a video to go with this chant


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